Museum garden

The garden of the museum is an oasis of rest. The ideal spot to enjoy nature during a visit to the museum. Some of the subjects of the exhibition are echoed in the garden.


The recycling garden is a fine example of how waste can be sustainably recycled in your garden. Special plants grow in it. Insects find a home there. In the centre is an insect wall where lone bees can find a nest for their brood. There are hundreds of kinds of bee each of which has special requirements. They don’t sting so don’t be afraid to linger.

Edible garden

In the herb garden you can smell different herbs and learn about how they are used. Fruit trees and long-forgotten vegetables adorn another section of the garden.

Living garden

Walk through the rockery with its rock plants and the peat garden with plants such as cranberry, arnica, peat moss and even orchids. A ditch runs right across the garden with frogs and water plants.

The bat cellar provides a home and winter-shelter mainly for long-eared bats. Hedgehogs find rooting places to hide in the wood behind.

The whole garden in insect-friendly and rich in birdlife.

Music garden

Two collections come together in the sound garden. Plants with music in their names grow along a path shaped like a treble clef. The wind causes the wind-chimes to sound and visitors can make their own music on the carillon by jumping on the stepping stones or striking the sounding stones.

There is an Orangery and theatre garden for special activities. Also treasure hunts are organised for children in the garden.